DAD #115 “I’m McGyverin’ this asshole butter!

How many licks does it take to get to the center of pervert nation? Trust me, it’s a lot more than three! In this episode, Dick Dangle thanks some new Twitter followers and talks about a fantastic dream and a much-needed apology for dirty drunken behavior. There’s a video about weird porn scenes, and stories include another great porn title, a new medical procedure, a great competition, men’s view of themselves. And then, the preeminent podcast pervert brings you an interview with the beautiful and vivacious Angela Sommers from Blush Gentlemen’s Club. She talks about her award-winning stage show, cosplay and caring too much! It’s a fun conversation! Enjoy this offering and keep the sore tongue as a memento.

Angela Sommers at Blush

Dick-Out Bonfire

Twitter Followers

@PornPlant-Fluffer the porn plant





Amara Romani Dream